Evidence to Support

Our thesis statement is supported by the following facts:

The great scientist Albert Einstein fled to America during the Holocaust; with him he brought his idea of the development of the atomic bomb. His theory was that Hitler would soon discover a way to invent this weapon of mass destruction with this, the Manhattan Project was made. The United States dropped the atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki not only to stop Japan from advancing but also to show Germany and Hitler that we had this weapon and were not afraid to use it for our advantage. The Allies consisted of Britain, Russia, and the United States; as they discussed plans to win World War II they also came up with strategies to overcome Japan.  During the Potsdam Conference, on July 26, 1945, the "big three" decided that due to the following acts from Japan, a final surrendering was necessary. They gave the Japan Empire the chance to surrender or face "prompt and utter destruction". Japan refused. If we did not bomb Hiroshima and Nagasaki our country would not nearly be as powerful as we are today. Without the use of the bomb the Axis Powers could have easily won the war, leaving the most powerful countries being run by communism and militarism.